Monday, April 19, 2010

Creation KindleSparks Writers Guild blog

"Kindling is just so much dried wood and grass, until a spark inspires it to flame."

KindleSparks is a new community of authors who are now or want to publish works as ebooks and, especially, as ebooks for the Amazon Kindle Bookstore.

The KindleSparks Writers Guild community self-helps each other in the marketing and promotion of each author's ebooks, and aids each other in their pursuit of their dreams and passions for writing of all kinds.

A sister blog, KindleSparks Debut and Review is the group's blog advising readers of new authors and their works.

KindleSparks Debut Anthology  Volume 1, is an ebook intended to contain 50 to 100 short works by as many authors in all genre, including but not limited to:   Literary, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Romance, Erotica....and more depending on author contribution.  Added volumes will be published on receipt of sufficent works by authors to create a book of the same size as Vol. 1.   By year's end, the goal will be to publish an Anthology each month.

For more information write to

It is April 19 2010 and this project is just beginning.

Content will be added soon...stay tuned.

To join the Guild email list just write to founder Tom Dulaney at

Our new web site at is under construction.